Shedding Light on a Silent Thief of Sight

James Hilton
Alexandra Langdon
Published on Jan 17, 2025

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, so we’re putting the spotlight on this elusive, sight-threatening disease that affects so many people around the world.

Understanding glaucoma

Glaucoma is not just one disease. It describes a group of conditions usually caused by a buildup of fluid in the eye. The resulting pressure damages the optic nerve and can cause vision impairment.

Glaucoma is infamously known as “the silent thief of sight” because it’s not something people can typically feel early in the course of disease, even as it is progressively getting worse. This makes early diagnosis and treatment extremely important because, once sight is stolen, it cannot be returned.

Risk factors

The cause of glaucoma is currently unknown. However, there are several factors that put people at risk:

  • Increased eye pressure
  • Advanced age
  • Severe nearsightedness
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Family history of glaucoma 

While it’s up to doctors to make the diagnosis and treat glaucoma, people at risk of glaucoma can do their part by scheduling regular checkups.

Treatment options

Proven treatment options are available to help mitigate symptoms and address disease progression, including:

  • Prescription eye drops that reduce intraocular pressure (IOP)
  • Oral medications that help fluid drain from the eye or cause the eye to make less fluid
  • Micro-invasive glaucoma surgery, which reduces IOP and can slow disease progression
  • Laser treatment to increase fluid drainage from the eye 
Taking action, preserving sight

Protect your vision by scheduling an eye exam this Glaucoma Awareness Month, and be sure to share this information with loved ones to spread awareness of proactive eye care! 

In the fight against glaucoma, early detection and innovative treatments are crucial to preserving vision and improving lives. At Boundless, we are committed to making a meaningful impact by partnering with leading ophthalmology companies that provide cutting-edge technologies to advance glaucoma care. Together, we aim to empower patients, support eye care professionals, and drive groundbreaking solutions that can help combat this sight-threatening disease. By joining forces, we believe a brighter future is in sight—one where no one has to face the darkness of preventable blindness.